"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" [Matthew 6:33]

Monday, November 14, 2011

Before and after Encounter

I once was drowning amid burdens ...
studies , heartbreak , family haggle , peer  pressure ...
i felt like there's no way out but to see myself  shackled  by pessimism ..
i didn't know how i could simply mull over the things i considered  a big devastation ..
then i caught  myself running off .. from the pains and sufferings from this world ..

while walking, i decided to grip a moment to look at the sky ..
there .. i saw  the ocean's reflection ..
i gazed and bowed down ..then He waved ..
i  seized a time to stay until  i 'd got the chance to meet Him..

throughout the sunset i deeply knew the reason why we met ..
we shared emotions and exchanged  stares ..
until we hit the end of the earth ..

when i left, my tears feel down ..
yet, i regained my strength heaving a big sigh ..
i didn't notice my soul to utter  words .. words i never thought to whisper after i ENCOUNTERED JESUS !

- The world is sphere and God is here  ♥
 Its not HE who challenges us
but our own selfish deeds that push us to step back
and our OWN problems that tests our faith..
To encounter Jesus is worth living for ..
overcoming burdens and be a conqueror !! -

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